biota oraz dzikie gatunki oraz źródła przyrodnicze z pożytkiem nauki. unstudied nature and biota of Inner Afrika and yakutian highlands and more by ethnozoological survey inner azjatyckie tomasz Pietrzak //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// european town, proposal emblem of naturalists Oscar Horta has argued that speciesism is wrong by definition . It is introduction in primary form concerned knowledge, being first attempt for unveil of relic tetrapods and landscapes, such as ancient habitats. Short project survey devoted ethnozoological diagnosis is needed in such regions as eastern uzbek Ferghana Valley or nuristani forests, as well as ancient Yakutia . We have, as well some questionable wild tetrapods, such as aparian wild carnivore from central Tibesti or adjugo catacean living in the borders of Pacific Ocean, near micronesian and antarctic waters. There is astonishing knowledge, those know-how ...