
etnozoologia i technika w służbie społecznej

In the duty of legal conservation of nature & ethnozoology in five kind regions
Thomasz Pietrzak
Pragmatic solutions are needed in the current nature and culture heritage projects, present around the globe. Especially it is important in such regions as Central Asia or Antarctic Unclaimed Territory. Cloth linen as atribute of research is pragmatic contribution for further studies.

It is astonishing knowledge, those know-how about relic megafauna. Incunable is short practical guide for continuing field journey for further investigation in Central Asia and North Caucasus. Some field records is needed in Bashkortostan or other regions, called those unknown or white dots. In the name of nature conservation & ethnozoology in five kind regions.

incognito paper by for scientific exploration

In the wilds of Central Asia and North Africa: short tribute to initiatives of diagnosis terra silvestre
by quatl

issognis Hindu Kush, author unknown

All of this content must be deployed as fast as possible. All the best quatlus. More is needed for clarifying the isolated populations from Central humid forests of Mali, surrounding Manding plateau and Baoulé Rivers, southern Region, and from immansuetus regions situated in the eastern Sudan. Naturale resources of this part of world was not yet identified before. More initiatives is needed for further cooperation within those countries and with developed european continent. Expeditions of field teams and researchers of natural history. _Return of Homo sapiens from Centrale Asie to natural habitats and nature-based habits. Implication for further studies in-situ. Analysis concerned wilds of remote area. The relic forms of wild-things etcetera
by Thomasz Pietrzak Quatl

ngos and institutes involved in in-situ research:
Global Wildlife Conservation/ NINA Norwegian Institute of Nature Research/ Koenig Zoological Research Museum/ Organizacja Strumień/ IUCN/
Africa--Mauritania, Mali, Algeria, Niger, Chad, Sudan | Ecoregions ...
The relic forms of wild-things etcetera

Where the wild-things are.
