
living and zoological traverse to south america

enviro issues and life science_

From Speculative Zoology, Diversity of Other Wildlife and Natural Environment from South America in historical times by ECHL, Extreme Resources of legendary SA and IUCN_

Natural Resource Management refers to the management of natural resources such as land, water, soil, plants and animals, with a particular focus on how management affects the quality of life for both present and future generations. We surveyed the wild territories across a few continents, inculding afrykanskie wilderness i.e. remote montagne and regions of blue coast of wild west Afrika and of course the legendary magnificent continent of South America. There are recorded wildlife, which are dwarf and medium-sized creatures from the natural environment. We realize of, that the scientific pressure on the research is powerful. We taked important expeditions in the mountains and across the lowlands there are other types and races of inhabitans. It is about undiscovered wildlife from Amazon Ecosystem of Xingu Region, which can be evolutionary distinct. We recorded the genres, such as dwarf wild armadillo, Dasypus xinguiensis wild people of undiscovered tribe, and wild canid i.e. xingu's wild dog, Atelocynus xinguiensis witch is similar to bolivie mitla and the other creatures are namely reptile, some kind of caimane Caiman wmudzsy genre, which live in freshwater niches. The genre live across the most wildest lakes and riversides. It is representant of old lineage of ancient fauna. little is discovered the wild migratory birds and the genre of hairy furbeared called wild xingu otter Pteronura xinguiensis form is covered with dark taupe and spruce skin fur. It is rather critically threatened, and the expedition in the duty of former explorers such as colonel fawcett have proved nothing. We recorded procyonid, the genre related to Nasua genre, the cedar and hunter-green coati being rather related to orange coati of aripuana basin and the freshwater fauna, diugons and arapaima sp. and other ichtyofauna previously unrecorded from the territory of xingu. Flora is virtually undiscovered. Cryptobotany is about the issue. Across the southern hemisphere we surveyed the biomes. Remant population of Dusicyon avus are called by XX science as Dasycyon hagenbecki, which is legendary andes wolf, the genre reported from the andean ecoregion from the argentinian-chilean borders, the wild wolf-like creature with very long thick adapted to cold environs and dark prussians coat with pine greyish hairs and identified by locals and retrieved from the skull researched in the museum by ingo villeg. these two species are on the verge of extinction or was extirpated by early humans in the recent historical times i.e. 10 age of our times. We surveyed the invertebrates and the unexolored plants, incuuding the enigmatic threes across the patagonia and andes borders. We evaluate estimations for consulting in agroforestry of the regio and the sustainable growth for local communities. Records of inland pinnipeds are writed by heritage of alex von humboldt, almost fully terrestrial similar to amfitryt in Antarctic Kergueleny Islands. It can be a myth, but there are dungs from dens far in the interior, and other biological samples as well as body of the amfitryt. The DNA confirm the genre is unique wildlife. but the ecology is virtually unknown.

 QUATL ENVIRONMENT CONSULTING. 2013-03 tomaszlounak@, scientific expedition from the early group of THE TEAM OF EXPLORERS OF INNER AZJATYCKIE.

It is europeans travers from Niche Treks, from Poland, Ukraine and Sweden in the honor of Marc van Roosmalen, and across the inland of South America in quest of prehistoric inhabitants and survivors, such as Myrmecophagy and giant reptiles, wild canids such as Amficyon sp. long-legged pleistocene representant of magafauna, which survived up to 2,000 years before christ  in venezuela llanos and which was relative of maned wolf, the other representants are smaller variants of glyptodonts, exacly genre from genre, that surveved up to 1,000 years before christ in llanos of venezuela. We searched for the remnants populations of those semi-aquatic regions and from open space territories covering the wild South America. The genres was guardians in the midst of animals, but their existence is questionable in nowadays. We will talk about it yet. In according to IUCN Professional Team and Born To Be Wild and from new generation of Living Beings Entertainment._thomasz pietrzak, 2013-03_TEORIE PRYWATNE integrative zoology.
