Tytaniczne osiągnięcia w Oriencie Środkowym i Afryce// wildlife conservation& real-life adventures // from ECL
Tytaniczne osiągnięcia w Oriencie Środkowym i Afryce// wildlife conservation from ECL//
preserve the nature and natural resources!Monumentalna naukowa ekspedycja europejczyków w tej części świata jest intrygujacym zjawiskiem. Gwiazdy showbiznesu na rzecz nauki, zachowania planety dzikich gatunków i zastopowania zmian klimatu jako temat przemówienia. Zachowanie dzikiej przyrody republiki Tadżyków i ksinjangu europejskiego. Enklawa naukowo-techniczna badawcza.
Bright vibes in difficult times are the article. It is about work of prisoners in the penal colony based on anthology of ethnozoological beletristic, which has been damned adventures.// conservation of nature, scientific centre // gbif.org as biodiversity data // natures.ch // IUCN Europe and ECL League //
Preserve the montagne genre and nature of Temki and Ennedi Republic. We are zoomed for geographical biomes. i.e. Safari Montagne.
noted from quatl pietrzak ;; job based 2012-2014, 2018-2019
JOB FROM Environment Challenges League
<<Real-life Adventures>>
PEOPLE FOR LIVELIHOODS AND CONSERVATION: Mapa Ginącego Świat and Ocalony Świat with advice from Mateusz Damięcki are Polish documentaries devoted to wildlife and nature protection and research. Polish rock group, both with Robert Gawlinski is engaged for nature protection across wild Poland. Norwegian Institite for Nature Research and Voice of Nature ambassadors such as John Linnell and Lee Pace are concerned for further preserving the natural world.
Four european conservationists, agencies and NGOs are engaged for wildlife conservation across Europe, central orient and africa.
Ecologie and Biodiversité, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, France, NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology Norway Trondheim, Zoi¨ Environment Network, Chemin de Balexert 9 - CH-1219 Cha^telaine, Switzerland. improvised< Environment Challenges League, Centre Europe, Smaller Poland. Krakow 31-045 . Continentic En-He Efforts Corporation, Tarnow Poland PNA: 33-100. +100 swedish songs!_view<< Geek Week Polska//naukawpolsce.pap.pl //focus.pl//
IUCN Europe provides key links to EU institutions and is the focal point for Europe's nature policies and partnerships. Our mission is to influence, encourage and assist countries in Europe to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature, and to ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable.
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