Ecotourism Workshop for Carpathian Growth
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Ecotourism Workshop
for local handicraft entrepreneurs and rural tourism actors
in the field of tourism development
within the CARPATHIAN TOURISM project
May 11th – 13th, 2017
("CooperAtion of touRism for building PATHways through developIng HANdicraft workshops for
tourist and rural TOURISM suppliers” project, V4)
Registration is now open for the CARPATHIAN TOURISM Project - Ecotourism Workshop. The
workshop will be held in Uherce Mineralne, from the 11th of May until the 13th of May 2017. Join us to
learn creative ways to “Share Your Story” and get the right tools to grow your tourism business.
Are you a local handicraft entrepreneur? Are you a rural tourism actor? Would you like to
know how you can raise interest in your products? How can you raise awareness and increase
the profit at the same time?
If you would like to know more about the tourism market trends, to improve your marketing
techniques, know more about the important touristic procedures and about what services are
essential, apply for our free workshop until the 17th of April 2017.
The project CARPATHIAN TOURISM has been funded with support from the Visegrad Fund.
Sign up now!
This three-day event will provide community leaders, restaurant managers, guesthouse owners, artist,
farmers, spring carriage riders, entrepreneurs, small business owners and other service providers with
information on how to establish, finance, market and grow businesses based on eco-tourism and
small business partnerships. Participants will come out with fresh marketing ideas, greater financial
opportunities, and numerous new contacts.
Our workshop gives in particular, small businesses an opportunity to learn how to use their resources,
talents and ideas to develop new products, increase their operational income and create new
opportunities. This is a great chance for people to learn skills to successfully connect the rural
destination to the visitor.
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Our project's specific aim is to empower local entrepreneurs to improve their handicraft workshops as
tourism services and to increase the quality and the visibility of other rural tourism initiatives. This will
be done through our workshop, which will raise the knowledge of participants on tourism trends, social
media and other marketing tools usage.
If you would like to apply for the workshop, please fill this registration form until the 17th of
April 2017.
The information will help us to understand better the current situation and the needs of your local
area. Please read the questions carefully and answer them completely as indicated.
Thank you very much for your participation!
Program details
The workshop will kick off on Wednesday afternoon with an educational module on tourism trends
where the guest speaker will be a tourism expert from the Dynamic Tours travel agency, a key
incoming tour operator in Hungary, since 1991.
Thirsday’s sessions will give a chance to learn a variety of marketing skills from a professional
marketing and social media expert.
The workshop will wrap-up Friday with sessions giving attendees the opportunity to network and
consult with our project experts.
Selection criteria and further information
Participation in the workshop is free of charge for 15 selected applicants providing rural tourism
services. The event covers accommodation and meals for up to 10 participants and additionally the
lunch and snacks during the workshops for up to another 5 local participants.
In the selection process the secure knowledge of the English language will be considered as an
advantage. Touristic services related to handicraft arts provided by applicants will also be considered
as an advantage.
A block of rooms has been reserved and is waiting to welcome our participants at a local guesthouse
at Uherce Mineralne.
To get more information about the project, visit the project website:
Ágnes Szabó-Diószeghy programme co-ordinator
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