(2013) folder o dzikich inhabitantach - tomasz q. pietrzak
conservation catalogues, central european publishing_ from the idea, management of natural resources// On
the issues of Poorly Discovered Carnivore Mammals in Wild Orient and Europe or here in Afrique Faune Sauvage
Q. Pietrzak // Papers of zoological hazy_2013 //
worlds are covered by many unidentified populations. Main question is
on which way study of these groups? We call them unclear or abstruse
populations. These gathered groups of animals that are populations of
known or unknown species importantly ecologically as well as
evolutionary recognized as distinct between themselves. Species
consist of the populations. Isolated populations are the units
validly evolutionary and ecologically important from the point of
view of species conservation. Populations are therefore first in
hierarchical way when it comes to the concept of taxonomy and ecology
at the same way. These are a set of specimens from one population
covered different niche within species complex. Some populations are
so isolated (including anatomically and physiologically) and occupied
different niches that are impossible to classify them to described
species. There are then collected into a new taxon, subspecies or
species. For a long time weight species was not known by researchers.
In the last century fieldians discovered many peculiar or giant
species, as if in spite of opposition claims that the world of
zoology has been studied extensively.
of steppes: marbled polecats
are diverse group of mammals inhabiting all available environments.
They are present in various areas. Carnivores are mainly active at
dawn and dusk. Many species are gathered in isolated or endemic
populations. Marbled polecat Mustela
is restricted to steppe areas of eastern Europe and central Asia as
far as central China. This mustelid inhabit also Near East. In 1991
was confirmed in Saudi Arabia. In late of 90' it was recorded from
Egypt, broader its distribution more to southward. It was confirmed
from two localities in Sinai Peninsula. Hence, marbled polecat
specimens origin in desert and semi-desert habitat. But how far
reaches range of this elusive carnivore? Is there any populations
into deep terrestrial areas like risky Afghan mountainous steppes or
more far into Iranian wilderness? Answer hasn't been resolved. There
are likewise appearance difference between individuals within
populations. Morphological and caryological investigations was
conducted in eastern Turkey, study was compared to those in western
part of Turkey and confirm morphological differences. Number of
functional chromosomes was higher in eastern Turkey population than
its western counterparts. Thus, it is possible that marbled polecat
show high population differences within its range, especially far in
fields of species range. None data is provided from Macedonia or
Albania. In eastern Europe, it is restricted nowadays to eastern
Ukraine, Russian steppes and northern Caucasus. There are never
records from Moldova. It is decreasing throughout European steppes
due to habitat lost.
and cryptic populations in slavic Europe
few studies was carried out on carnivores living in Macedonian and
Herzegovina landscapes. Lesser carvnivores or those medium-sized are
virtualy unknown. Cryptic diversity could be present. There was
records of dark-tawny fur European mink (norka) Mustela
l. transsylvanica
in Carpathians valleys. Lacks of carnivore data is from Moldovan
forests and open areas where investigation is needed in all of issue.
legendary mutations of animals was reported over there in middle ages
prior to nowadays. Folklore and hunter reviews provided records of
strange animals from known genres. Oddies specimens are in the fact
belonging to well-known foxes, weasels and feral cats. But there are
cryptic populations over there as units different evolutionary. lacks
of detailed studies on their phylogenetic, ecological requirements
and assessment of conflict-with-human level, especially for those
smaller species. Mustelid and foxes populations was studies under
energetic budgets and diet analysis, but there are mysterious records
of rare mutants over there in central Europe lands, namely in polish
or slovakian lands.
populations was little studied. In other regions occur the same
rosomak, wild dogs and sobols under mammalogy focus
Yakutian ecoregion is inhabit by populations of rosomak or wolverine
very large ones. Wolverine forms are very diverse groups living in
many isolated populations. Some of the populations are very
interesting. In ancient times their western range exceed tundra
region of northeastern Poland and Latvia. Rosomak was extirpated from
southern european distribution, but was recorded in 1986 in northern
baltic landscapes of Estonia. Fragmented populations remain unclear
throughout distribution range with no clear genetically relationship.
There are smaller rosomaks and very large ones. Sobol Martes
was extirpated from their vast ranges from many times. No recent
survey was conducted for survey fragmented populations in European
part of former species range. There was somewhere reports of
marten-like animals that could be soból. In mountains of Tajikistan
there are other enigmatic species including cyjon or red wild dog
that was not yet studied. Other in Uyghur region of western China
mammalogy is relatively weak developed. Carnivores and other mammals
occurred over there are little understood. Dhole or wild dog distribution status in Central Asia is poorly discovered. There are need more to do for conservation efforts this truly threatened species.
carnivores and their counterparts
in central Asia
landscapes are inhabited by enigmatic populations of carnivores.
There are strange turkmeni ratel Mellivora
capensis buechneri,
larger than counterparts living elsewhere out. The skull size is much
more builder than other ratels. Its pelage is more different. Many
legends are about this very dark bad fama species. There are records
of some unidentified aggressive animals in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan
or Caucasus. The old ones specimens could be aggressive and attacked
livestock. There are local names for those senile animals. Asian
badgers Meles
are different large mustelid. There are a few subspecies in Central
Asia. Kazakh badger Meles
l. arenarius
is medium size animal occurred in Southeastern Volga, mosty of
Kazakhstan and it is little investigated in those regions. Some skin
variants are occurred. Amur badger Meles
l. amurensis
is distinctive populations with darkest colour and it is quite small.
Facial stripes are greyish. Stripes on head are almost invisibles.
Species can be found within high elevation areas up to 4,000 metres.
There are records of species in Ural Mountains and Tien Shan where
exist different population. Many populations of species are divergent
and living with isolations by many times in forgotten unstudied
of jungle cats
cat Felis
also known as chaus, is mystery species with no certainly known
population variability. That cat is enigmatic and jaunty night
carnivore, phantom animal with uncertainly behavior. Actually some
cryptic cats of central Asia, are explained to be a desert chaus.
Northern chaus has more darker neck than their southern counterparts.
In Azerbaijan population is impure with some cryptic groups
possess different morphological traits, activity and select quite
different habitats. Although it is close relative of domestic cats,
it is believed to be most diversed of all Felis species and one of
the least known outside of India. In Egypt or Iraq it prefers swampy
reeds, while elsewhere like India it occur in woodland and open
plains. There are correlatives between body size of jungle cats in
one and second side of species distribution. Chaus from western range
in Israel and Egypt is almost half time larger then indian cousin.
Central asian chaus cats are believed to be more distinct than other
jungle cats. Caracals Caracal
are recorded from southern verge of Armenia. There are believed to be
different than others caracals living in central Asia. Caucasus is
peculiar region inhabits by different populations. There are small
carnivores or brown bears quite distinct than other populations
occurred elsewhere. there are a few isolated ecologically units of
caracals and other cats.
and sister creatures
species occurs in Southeast Asia in low densities e.g. mampalon
small carnivore of civet family. This mammal prefer riverbanks areas.
Very little known is about Yunnan cynogale. Perhaps it is
exaggeration, but hypothetical forms is not believed to live more
northward in such small abundance, that in such way it had been
couldn’t identified up to now. The ranges of these species was
separated by insulating factors, that today are of unknown origin.
There is no certainly that other relatives with very long whiskers
are in the mountains of western China and Burma or on the border with
northern Junnan and there are mampalons in mountain’s valleys areas
on the border of China's deserts. Were found, some unidentified cases
of predatory mammals in chinese supermarkets. Some of these
unidentified animals ever, and some certainly was a species unknown
to science. There are records of plenty of mustelids in western China
in regions rich with mountains and valleys, inculidng mountain weasel
or southern Sable. Southern Sables and with are distinct population
believed to be needed to morphometric analysis. In China there are
mystery variants of red pandas, bigger than Ailurus
but could be melanistic versions of this species. Unrecognized
carnivores are reported from western and northwestern chinese border
with Kazakhstan and Russia. No yet survey was conducted on specific
carnivore species and environmental analysis.
hyena and polecat creatures in remote areas
of African continent, especially occurred in unsual regions of
western or sahelian lands are forgotten animals by time. Striped
hyena Hyaena
is absent from central Sahara, but remain almost unknown over there,
where its fragmented populations remain in such areas as in Mali or
north Sudan. Striped hyena is widely distributed across North and
Africa reaching as far as southern Asia. Populations persist as far
as central Asia and Caucasus. Recent reports are Some studies
conducted by spotlighting, baiting stations, interviews and daytime
transect for droppings and track collections and can will provide
data on uncommon populations. It is not believed striped hyenas or
unrecognized counterparts live in the saharan clans are known for
something other than striped hyenas in the south. Libyan zorilla
occurred in dry and open areas in north Africa out of central Sahara
in Sahel region and northern coastal Africa. Species posses distinct
facial markings. It is sometimes selected to its own genus. It occur
in such regions as central Chad and Sudan, southern Niger in northern
Algeria and western Africa. Common polecat Ictonyx
is also present in region and is sometimes confused with sister taxa.
Species consist of many isolated populations occurred in remote
habitats. Little is known about species lineage complex. There are no
records of color mutations, but overall it is present in different
regions. Many populations were never recorded yet including
those believed to be cryptic forms. Genetic survey can't be carried
out yet. Species is under category "insufficient data".
There are also records of other carnivores in north-of-equatorial
Africa, including populations or species not yet described.
jackal of humid savanna
in regions side-striped jackal Canis
occupied habitat niche not covered by other jackals. Side-striped
jackal is open-woodland dweller, active mainly under at night cover.
This canid inhabit primary south-central, central and west Africa in
most humid wooded and luxuriantly overgrown savannahs. In the these
remaining areas they can dominate smaller carnivores living in
ecotones. Side-striped jackals and other central African carnivores,
especially smaller ones living in Ubangi-Shari are still enigmatic
species, especially in areas unstudied by biologists. Many
populations are hide by disturbed regions. There are bad time for
study over there. In much of its range there are no species-specific
data on the populations. Although it is believed to be vary in size
and body structure. There are no known differences between
populations of southern and western Africa. Side-striped jackal and
Haussa Genet Genetta
thierryi was
no comprehensive before studied in western african savannah. It is
possible that jackals or genets of Burkina Faso and togolese are
larger and more colorful than their counterparts of eastern parts of
Africa. But where is origin place of side-striped jackal and those
rare genets species where spread from?
claims should have findings documented. Zoology in nowadays is
connected with ecology and conservation of many species of animals,
which was posted here. One of the main tasks is to understand the
current distribution patterns of a variety of rare species and basal
zoological investigations of peculiar specimens is needed. Just it
any wonder, but there are also poorly known species which, in the
opinion of the public is believed to be common. These include animals
from different groups of vertebrates. In various countries, forgotten
mammals have not been studied in the field of taxonomy and ecology.
It seems to me that this can be changed, and nowadays that such
knowledge was also useful and applied.
selected literature:
-Baryshnikov C.F.
2000. A new subspecies of the honey badger Mellivora capensis from
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-Kunin W. E. and
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-First Record of Procyon cancrivorus (G. Cuvier, 1798) (Carnivora, Procyonidae) in Stratigraphic Context in the Late Pleistocene of Brazil.
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-Hunter L. & Barrett P. 2011. A Field Guide to the Carnivores of the World. New Holland, London. Hardback, colour, 240 pp.
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-B.D. Patterson and R.M. Timm (ed.) 1987. Studies in Neotropical Mammalogy. Essays in honor of Philip Hershkovitz. Fieldiana, Zoology, new series 39.
- Rigg R. 2004. Slovakia and Poland: different countries, different attitudes. International Bear News 13: 21-23.
-IUCN assesments on carnivores described in this material. http://www.iucnredlist.org/ (eg. Atkinson, R.P.D. & Loveridge, A.J. 2008. Canis adustus. In: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1.)
-The Ghost Carnivore of the Andes. http://www.durrell.org/latest/news/the-ghost-carnivore-of-the-andes/
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