
Enigmatic animals of the Ałyn-Kayjik hills: controversial story

Enigmatic animals of the Ałyn-Kayjik hills: controversial story
by Tomasz Q. Pietrzak
2013/ cryptozoological fiction material

rather positive nature conservancy inspirations. about: One man of its kind that was almost existed described in fabular picture will be published furthermore. In a broad sense there was a man, Mr. Uoo, who was adopted to lived in remote places without help from anywhere for go away of civilization. He tried to hunt and live in his building as simple as possible for long-term surviving. But there was a moment that change his perceive, he goes with four mans to senile folwark and then started outlandish journeys (known as damned explorations). He studied then medium-sized mammals with renowed zoologist, Albun Droite. Later both with geologist and explorators they contributed to explore "magnificent red mountains" unlike of the previous and observed places, whence back is impossible. He discover lost human community in eastern Kyrgyzstan and found large animal that was unknown for science. Lately he avoid bandits from organization and catching very large bird no similar to other species living elsewhere.
reptilian aliens archetype

engimatic hills: Located in foremost remote kyrgyz region unnamed hills hide some unrecognized mammalian species. It is journey of two explorators to remote and disturbed regions of central Asia for identified animals known by locals. Between them are giant hare with navy-blue hairs, and he tried to catch it in the trap. He and trappers follow the giant hare. There was crucial time when they met it near trap and this animal come back shortly into to remote mountains. He later catching only smaller species.The badger of grains was ferocious animal that come back for years. It was mythical animal for locals and they fear of it so much that main mayor of community show great apology for this animal. They killed two of them at one of darkest night. Badger of grains was virtually ratel or honey badger. There was more unidientified animals such as one strange cat, wild dog or horrible goat-caprids, as well as band peoples with no clarify minds. They met during journey one man, zoologist Zacharias Upisz and mystery walker in remote mountains. And it was beginning of problems. Mr Usciwoj and Joseph Baluta must kill dangerous and unknown animals as well as decode jumping creature attacked people.
