enviro issues and life science_ From Speculative Zoology, Diversity of Other Wildlife and Natural Environment from South America in historical times by ECHL, Extreme Resources of legendary SA and IUCN_ Natural Resource Management refers to the management of natural resources such as land, water, soil, plants and animals, with a particular focus on how management affects the quality of life for both present and future generations. We surveyed the wild territories across a few continents, inculding afrykanskie wilderness i.e. remote montagne and regions of blue coast of wild west Afrika and of course the legendary magnificent continent of South America. There are recorded wildlife, which are dwarf and medium-sized creatures from the natural environment. We realize of, that the scientific pressure on the research is powerful. We taked important expeditions in the mountains and across the lowlands there are other types and races of inhabitans. It is about undiscovered wildlife from...