
Wyświetlanie postów z maj, 2017

Ecotourism Workshop for Carpathian Growth

Page 1 CARPATHIAN TOURISM Ecotourism Workshop for local handicraft entrepreneurs and rural tourism actors in the field of tourism development within the CARPATHIAN TOURISM project May 11th – 13th, 2017 ("CooperAtion of touRism for building PATHways through developIng HANdicraft workshops for tourist and rural TOURISM suppliers” project, V4) Registration is now open for the CARPATHIAN TOURISM Project - Ecotourism Workshop. The workshop will be held in Uherce Mineralne, from the 11th of May until the 13th of May 2017. Join us to learn creative ways to “Share Your Story” and get the right tools to grow your tourism business. Are you a local handicraft entrepreneur? Are you a rural tourism actor? Would you like to know how you can raise interest in your products? How can you raise awareness and increase the profit at the same time? If you would like to know more about the tourism market trends, to improve your marketing ...

scientific resources square

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