
Wyświetlanie postów z listopad, 2015

na temat ekspedycji itd.

Zastosowania pragmatyczne nad zasobami naturalnemi; Mauritius i Kaukaz lesisty by quatlwork archives 06.2015 SZTUCZKI SURVIVALOWE, KTÓRE URATUJĄ TWOJE ZYCIE I ZDROWIE. „Wiedzę buduje się z faktów, jak dom z kamienia; ale zbiór faktów nie jest wiedzą, jak stos kamieni nie jest domem.”Henri Poincaré, matematyk i fizyk francuski. Jest parę zagadnień obiektywnie rzecz biorąc związanych z ideą klasyfikacji form zwierzęcych. Praktyki badawcze można by nazwać ideologiami naznaczonymi. Obecność niezbadanych populacji w tym tzw. dzikich zwierząt jest polem do spekulacji. Narzędzia nieinwazyjne i wyprawy eksploratorów gdzieś na północ za Dagestan, do nietkniętych ostępów na Dziczach Kaukazu Lesistego są wskazówką poznawczą. Jak ktoś kiedyś napisał Luchowicz Gabinet to materiał wyważony i rzeczowy. Ale wymaga to wielkiego nakładu pracy i skupienia, spraw które są jak dręczący koszmar. Priorytetem jest ogólny wkład do wiedzy innego rodzaju. Epizodyczne ekspedycje do Ziemi K...

nature preservation across safari montagne and vemo-inik savannas

EXPLORE RARE POPULATIONS: EUROPE'S EDGE OF EXISTENCE BRANCH from  living beings entertainment . carnivore-like populations will be an object of studies of naturalists in north-west and central afrika. author unknown. some another note on  samalander from central orient< ANY OTHER PRIMATE IN WILD NORTH-WEST AFRICA"#¤%&/(! notes<<  Conservation's goals include protecting species from extinction, maintaining and restoring habitats, enhancing ecosystem services and protecting biological diversity. A range of values underlie conservation, which can be guided by biocentrism, anthropocentrism, ecocentrism and sentientism. There has recently been a movement towards evidence-based conservation which calls for greater use of scientific evidence to improve the effectiveness of consecration efforts.     <<ARTICLE>> this theme is about science and fiction in zoological investigation. article concern research about wildli...

Get yourself together, Pull yourself together about scientific project

Study for uncommon wild of Central Asia by Thomasz Pietrzak 16 day of November 2015 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// european blood prestige emblem from tumblr Loyalty study for uncommon wild Central Asia, Conservation efforts in searching of unknown megafuna etcetera. Easy, there are unrecorded populations, known as those wildlife living by unknown by current popculture. It is good to know, some ethnozoological records carried out by  one expert conservationist and wildlife biologist  was not yet evaluated those wilds such in kazakh-chinese borderlands or edges of eastern uzbek land was not yet studied by natural history. Pragmatic solutions by projects are needed further. Unrecorded proof of seeking the unrecorded populations in Central Asia, eg. from interior of Bositeng Swamps. Taxonomic diagnosis in remote parts of eastern Uzbekistan and facilities in desert of central Turkmenia. Terra silvestre Bogda Shan...

(2015) biota jako dzikie gatunki oraz źródła przyrodnicze z pożytkiem dla nauki - tomasz pietrzak

biota oraz dzikie gatunki oraz źródła przyrodnicze z pożytkiem nauki. unstudied  nature and biota of Inner Afrika and yakutian highlands and more by  ethnozoological survey inner azjatyckie tomasz Pietrzak  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// european town, proposal emblem of naturalists Oscar Horta has argued that  speciesism  is  wrong  by definition .  It is introduction in primary form concerned knowledge, being first attempt for unveil of relic tetrapods and landscapes, such as ancient habitats. Short project survey devoted ethnozoological diagnosis is needed in such regions as eastern uzbek Ferghana Valley or nuristani forests, as well as ancient Yakutia . We have, as well some questionable wild tetrapods, such as aparian wild carnivore from central Tibesti or adjugo catacean living in the borders of Pacific Ocean, near micronesian and antarctic waters. There is astonishing knowledge, those know-how ...

Isolated colonies of unknown small bear or emerald panda population in remote kazakh and chinese areas

ArtStation - Abandoned research station , Daniel Gstir Isolated colonies of unknown small bear or emerald panda population in remote kazakh and chinese areas and other wildlife author of article is Thomasz Pietrzak Na tropie blu-khag-łoyn/ On the track of blu-khag-łoyn      surroundings of Kanas Lake are inhabited by various forms.  Credits by Ethnozoological investigation in inner asia in search of undiscovered population of tetrapod, which is endemic small omnivorous wildlife race of ursid, believed hypothetically to be extirpated in the area for a seventy years. Some skins remains on the cottages of former hunters. clarify of population status is needed. Somewhere in the valleys between remote mountainous region e.g. Kjubjurgenty pass or somewhere in the coniferous forests located in Kanas Prefecture are inhabited by those last survivors. Forms living indeed are present in remote Central Asia. Conserving thos...

etnozoologia i technika w służbie społecznej

In the duty of legal conservation of nature & ethnozoology in five kind regions Thomasz Pietrzak Pragmatic solutions are needed in the current nature and culture heritage projects, present around the globe. Especially it is important in such regions as Central Asia or Antarctic Unclaimed Territory. Cloth linen as atribute of research is pragmatic contribution for further studies. It is astonishing knowledge, those know-how about relic megafauna. Incunable is short practical guide for continuing field journey for further investigation in Central Asia and North Caucasus. Some field records is needed in Bashkortostan or other regions, called those unknown or white dots. In the name of nature conservation & ethnozoology in five kind regions. incognito paper by for scientific exploration In the wilds of Central Asia and North Africa: short tribute to initiatives of diagnosis terra silvestre by quatl issognis Hindu Kush, author unknown...