
Wyświetlanie postów z lipiec, 2013

environmentał missions in afrykanskie regiony

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we just need to survey living beings

we just need to survey living beings  beings extraordinary and we.  of wildlife inventory in Burkina Faso/ Lombok/ Antarctica>>>> and more by Tomasz Q. Pietrzak 2013. lipc. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we just need to survey one of the most inhospitable vast, and other regions of anthropogenic changes for noble inventory of last remnants of megafauna, living within the range. there are some undefined areas explored by wilderness rangers, such as region burkina, as well as darkest lombok. proper inventories of those living creatures is main issues in nowadays. about other antarctic and afrykanskie megafauna and rumors of mid-sized creatures from inner orient. rumors of existence of enigmatic creatures living in remote land. natural resources and work for studies of enigmatic animals from wilderness landscapes...

(2013) folder o dzikich inhabitantach - tomasz q. pietrzak

conservation catalogues,  central european publishing _ from the idea, management of natural resources //   On the issues of Poorly Discovered Carnivore Mammals in Wild Orient and Europe or here in Afrique Faune Sauvage Tomasz Q. Pietrzak // P apers of zoological hazy_2013 // Backround Enigmatic worlds are covered by many unidentified populations. Main question is on which way study of these groups? We call them unclear or abstruse populations. These gathered groups of animals that are populations of known or unknown species importantly ecologically as well as evolutionary recognized as distinct between themselves. Species consist of the populations. Isolated populations are the units validly evolutionary and ecologically important from the point of view of species conservation. Populations are therefore first in hierarchical way when it comes to the concept of taxonomy and ecology at the same way. These are a set of specimens from one population covered differe...