
Wyświetlanie postów z grudzień, 2016

On the track of large animals in wilderness of Central Asia and conservation of nature by Thomasz Pietrzak

still on the track........ ale? It is believed that Central Asia has gaps in knowledge, a region where large animals coexist. Many of them are still unknown for zoological exploration. The most charismatic are so-called unknown primates of Xinjiang-kashgaria and some sort of reptile, dinosaur-like varanid that occur in the wild areas. So, the mountainous Dżungaria are occupied by forest--and rocky dwellers such as wolverine ( Gulo gulo ) which is little known and some kind of dinosaur-like varanid is reported around Saryam Lake in Borohoro (Lai Kuan and Jian Qun, 1993). As for Kashgaria there is an unrecognized terrestrial animal resembling american badger (Lydekker, 1878). Natural history of that part of the world (esp. Xinjiang) is overlooked for years, lost species are lost and only some studies conducted by " european scientists and philosophers" remain.  Natural history of remote forests and mountains in the wild terra silvestre of North and Inner Afghanistan and Uzbek...

applied ecology of central asian endemics (2016)

APPLIED ECOLOGY OF CENTRAL ASIAN ENDEMICSby me [Thomasz Pietrzak]​draft 12.2016 draft   Here is needed field research conducting onto population status in wild areas within Central Asia Biodiversity Hotspot. Spatial ecology and habitat selection of certainly and selected species are lacking. Population seekings of a few unique populations are needed. Climate change influence on rare and endemic wildlife is noticed. Gaps in knowledge in biological and ecological requirements of few really evolutionary unique species such Xinjiang Rhinophitecus, gansu leporids and rare amphibians of Gansu. Ecological requirements of north Afghanistan landscape endemic species of terrestrial vertebrates is lacking. work IUCN experts and professionals group for genres, En-he efforts. ==== boldly can spread my posts, if you would like of course.