(2016) Przykładowe ekspedycje do dzikich tien-szaniów i tarbagatajów od echl, lop oraz iucn by Thomasz Pietrzak
groundwork for naturalist, wildlife and natural environment PRACUJEMY NAD TYM_ Proposal expedition to Bogda Shan and Tarbagatay: field survey of biota and environment from conservationist and wildlife biologist by Thomasz Pietrzak Field researchers, conservationists and wildlife biologists are needed to work in the name of expedition to wild and remote areas of Bogda Shan. Field expedition around enigmatic valley in Bogda Shan. This is little explored area inhabited by some unknown animals that not yet classified by IUCN. Proposal for conservation of wilds of Bogda Shan; It is contribution of local knowledge about unstudied or unknown megafauna. Further purposes for determining presence of any kind of rare tetrapod living in the low densities are needed. Ethnozoological investigation devoted unconfirmed tetrapods around the valleys of Bogda Shan is needed further. As, I judge there are present some charismatic, yet unknown animals to be studied further by ...