
Wyświetlanie postów z 2016

On the track of large animals in wilderness of Central Asia and conservation of nature by Thomasz Pietrzak

still on the track........ ale? It is believed that Central Asia has gaps in knowledge, a region where large animals coexist. Many of them are still unknown for zoological exploration. The most charismatic are so-called unknown primates of Xinjiang-kashgaria and some sort of reptile, dinosaur-like varanid that occur in the wild areas. So, the mountainous Dżungaria are occupied by forest--and rocky dwellers such as wolverine ( Gulo gulo ) which is little known and some kind of dinosaur-like varanid is reported around Saryam Lake in Borohoro (Lai Kuan and Jian Qun, 1993). As for Kashgaria there is an unrecognized terrestrial animal resembling american badger (Lydekker, 1878). Natural history of that part of the world (esp. Xinjiang) is overlooked for years, lost species are lost and only some studies conducted by " european scientists and philosophers" remain.  Natural history of remote forests and mountains in the wild terra silvestre of North and Inner Afghanistan and Uzbek...

applied ecology of central asian endemics (2016)

APPLIED ECOLOGY OF CENTRAL ASIAN ENDEMICSby me [Thomasz Pietrzak]​draft 12.2016 draft   Here is needed field research conducting onto population status in wild areas within Central Asia Biodiversity Hotspot. Spatial ecology and habitat selection of certainly and selected species are lacking. Population seekings of a few unique populations are needed. Climate change influence on rare and endemic wildlife is noticed. Gaps in knowledge in biological and ecological requirements of few really evolutionary unique species such Xinjiang Rhinophitecus, gansu leporids and rare amphibians of Gansu. Ecological requirements of north Afghanistan landscape endemic species of terrestrial vertebrates is lacking. work IUCN experts and professionals group for genres, En-he efforts. ==== boldly can spread my posts, if you would like of course.

(2016 ) La recherche et la conservation des tétrapodes Asie Centrale

by Thomasz Pietrzak ; naturalist and explorer * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * *  ** * * * * * * * * * * * *     In the heart of Inner Asia, where the rugged Borohoro Shan mountains touched the sky and the mist swirled around like a shroud, lay vast expanses of wilderness, breathing quietly. Here, ancient secrets slumbered beneath the undergrowth, waiting for the touch of a curious soul to awaken them. Dr. Nvelara Beaumont, a young and ambitious zoologist and Iwan Bohun armed with a passion for discovering the unseen, had heard whispers about the enigmatic tetrapods rumored to inhabit the uncharted regions of Ouroumtsi Valley and Bositeng Swamps. Supported by European institutions committed to wildlife conservation, she had set out on a journey to uncover the natural history of this remote, storied land. As her team prepared for the expedition, a palp...

naukowcy na jedwabnym szlaku i mokradłach

Tadżykistan, Kazachstan, Turkmenistan, Kirgistan to kraje, które wciąż dla wielu są tajemnicze, gdy patrzą na mapę świata. Tym bardziej dziwi, co robili tam polscy biolodzy. Do Azji Centralnej dociera garstka turystów. Mimo to jedwabny szlak, łączący Europę z Chinami, wzbudza emocje wśród podróżników, historyków, a także biologów. - W 2014 i 2015 roku pojechaliśmy, częściowo śladami Marco Polo, przez jedwabny szlak do Tadżykistanu - mówi dr Monika Mętrak z Wydziału Biologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. - Prowadziliśmy tam badania mokradeł wysokogórskich w górach Pamiru. Mokradła górskie są zapleczem pastwiskowym dla lokalnej społeczności - tam wypasane są jaki, owce i kozy. Jak przewiduje gość Czwórki teren ten będzie się osuszał, więc tamtejsze ekosystemy są zagrożone. Czy są sposoby, by temu zaradzić i po co nam badania tadżyckich bagnisk dr Monika Mętrak wyjaśnia w "Stacji Nauka". *** Tytuł audycji:   "Stacja Nauka" Prowadzący:  Patryk Kuniszewicz Pr...

(2016) Wyprawa do górniczej doliny - Bogda Shan, afganistan terra silvestre et cetera.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * *   Un voyage dans les vallées minieres - Bogda Shan, afganistan terra silvestre et cetera . by Thomasz Pietrzak zoological research of former prisoners from a a penal colony Jest opis niestwierdzonej dotychczas wyprawy do niedostępnych ziem, ulokowanych gdzieś na wschodnich rubieżach Bogda Shanu, na przełecze Achalu, nad Jezioro Ebi-nor oraz na Wzgórza Tsiterty (2,5 km above sea level). Jakiś nieznany niedźwiedź-małpa będący gatunkiem zamieszkuje odległe groty i obszary w Gan-su ( Ursus kyparnafes ). Ludność miejscowa z Zagan Nor i Urungu River chyba nie rozróżnia mniejszych dzikich koni ( Equus hagenbecki Matschie, 1903?) od dzikich osłów oraz jest o rodzaju ssaków drapieżnych z Regionu Tarim-Hami. Jezioro Tianchi Lake zamieszkuje, jak sądzę, oczywiście duży gatunek tajmena. Pomniejsze zwierzęta przemieszają się ...

nomen-omen ksy-gyik from uninhabited regions of wilderness: ETHICAL field inventory

lake zaysany swamps; nomen-omen ksy-gyik from uninhabited lands of wilderness: field inventory short survey concerning wilderness-landscape survey and photographic evidence of small kind of bear-like animal in the wilds of zaisany swampy dock. We have anecdotal records of some sort of wild animal resembling those monkey or bear. It is believed to be relic form living in isolation for thousand of years. That is sure about it existence, but we have no proof yet. Ksy-gyik is probably dark-brown-reddish head primate living in the bush of zaisany region near to borders with open lands.Uncommon field survey in the wilderness of Central Asia; more esearch concerning population seeking of rare animals are needed. Discovering the population of ksy-gyik in zaisany region. important is note about focusing inventory for quest the population of bear-otter of central asiatic ecosystem region. the ecology is virtuall undiscovered. elegant theme. >>>...

about preserve the wild inner azjatyckie

24.07.17 Population seeking and exploring unknown natural landscapes and habitats are challanges in nowadays for zoologists, mineralogists, geographers and explorers. Expeditions are needed in such regions for some discoveries in science. Step by step initiative of diagnosis is needed in Wilderness of chinese Turkestan, Sogdiana Country between Oksos i Jaksartes, Greater Khorasan and others. It is more precise, to know which scientific inventories devoted research of wild animals and human populations are most important. Mountainous Irtysh, The lands on the south, chinese montagnes on the east are still little explored. Important terrains for discovery of wilds of Inner Asia are Tian Shan. Conservation implies more sections for detailed studies of wildlife populations. More scientific travels and studies are insights into understanding unique populations of tetrapods of Quazaqstan, Gansuh Pass and Valleys of Sichuan and others. x those mentioned before are unknown by natural history...

historyjki o beletrystyce etnozoologicznej_ad. do opr. z 2013 roku

WERSJA TECHNICZNA historyjki o beletrystyce etnozoologicznej _ad. do opr. z 2013 roku  PSEUDONYM NAUKOWY _  ORIENTOWAĆ SIĘ W SWOICH GRANICACH. MIĘĆ SWOJE ZDANIE. TAKA JEST PRAWDA. INFORMACJA ; appendix do_jakiegoś projektu o beletrystyce etnozoologicznej z 12-2013 roku, i tylko z tego bo nawet podróżnicy i marni naukowcy zostali osadzeni w kolonii karnej na 4 lata do ciężkich robót. za co ,a no za marne projekty naukowe i podróżnicze, bez logistyki. dobrze im tak.  jak się potoczyły ich dalsze losy. tego nie wie nikt. ale wiadomo, ze w koloni karnej dostali niezły wycisk. mówiono nawet ze agencja  administracji rządowej  oraz  regio entirety for ecos  przyglądały się tam uważnie. personel misji dyplomatycznej przejął prace na terytoriach zależnych.  ale już po wszystkim. wszystko jest ok. a możne nie jest.......< from quatl_2013-2016 erratum-on-demand.   OPRACOWANIE NIE MA ZNACZENIA. DOTYCZY W...

(2016) Przykładowe ekspedycje do dzikich tien-szaniów i tarbagatajów od echl, lop oraz iucn by Thomasz Pietrzak

groundwork for naturalist, wildlife and natural environment PRACUJEMY NAD TYM_  Proposal expedition to Bogda Shan and Tarbagatay: field survey of biota and environment  from conservationist and wildlife biologist by Thomasz Pietrzak Field researchers, conservationists and wildlife biologists are needed to work in the name of expedition to wild and remote areas of Bogda Shan. Field expedition around enigmatic valley in Bogda Shan. This is little explored area inhabited by some unknown animals that not yet classified by IUCN. Proposal for conservation of wilds of Bogda Shan; It is contribution of local knowledge about unstudied or unknown megafauna. Further purposes for determining presence of any kind of rare tetrapod living in the low densities are needed. Ethnozoological investigation devoted unconfirmed tetrapods around the valleys of Bogda Shan is needed further. As, I judge there are present some charismatic, yet unknown animals to be studied further by ...

Save the Indigenous Inner Asia: proposed initiative

Save the Indigenous Inner Asia: proposed initiative front paw of unidentifed tetrapod Charyn Canyon from remote Asia by It is proposed initiative concerning conservation of natural wonders in selected areas from the region including Burabay (Kazakhstan area), Kolsai heritage and Jiuzhaigou (both China), Zaamin Swamps (Uzbekistan), Hari Swamps, remote Hindukush (both Afghanistan). Those are proposal short inventory for eternal durability of wilds in one of the most forgotten areas rich in remote forested mountains, vast swamps and thicket, inhabited by unrecognized wildlife. Projects will should determined presence of phantom megafauna and human societies. All natural wonders of those regions are needed to be studied and conserve, by its own value. Moreover, it is tribute to setting into wild origin of all earth inhabitants. Nothing will be existed, as well without wellbeing of natural heritage. Natural conditions, presence/absence, ethnozoological r...