warunki przyrodnicze w regionach geograficznych
WILD NATURE OF EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA Thomas Quatl synopsis Wild secret lies in the unknown. Fauna of the wild regions of Europe and Central Asia is one of the most disturbing of natural history with which we meet in nowadays. Interdisciplinary projects and explorations to unstudied areas are a priorities in nature and biodiversity inventory. Extensive knowledge is a symptom of autodidactic in naturalist. Initiative following the footsteps of our predecessors is key step. We target to one of them, Cienkowski, who led the study in the caucasian landscapes and some researchers x, whose figured natural history of central european forests. One of the return to those is innovative line to knowledge onto population seekers. Let us try to estimate the so-called " gaps in knowledge " by polish studies or contribution to natural resources and development action. Additionally some lack of data to be determined by further investigations. E...