inwentorium nauki jako exploratory framework
charakterystyka_ artykułu. VERTEBRATE PIONEERING CONTINENT is partnership for people and przyrody i.e. migratories wildlife from inner orient. what is speciesism and why it is wrong. the project is about agriculture's, customs and futuristics and legacy of the smart work, we hired vehicle for the non-invasive inventory. it is also about other projects for preserving the culture and nature landscapes of wild orient and kaukaskie. we are coherently work for support the populations and ecology of the wild organisms, it is about scientific work and diffucult-to-explore biomes, where coexist people and native populations. camera traps and innovative gadgets has been used for detected other living creatures. mineralogical research has been defines. it is about quest for the large inhabitants of patagonia wild and andeans region of montagne, where occured in historical times something resembles small race of mapinguari, the creature with long snout and thick brownish-and-naval f...