UGHOOU BEGINS, ochrona przyrody i scientific data
UGHOOU BEGINS, Conservation efforts for unrevealing the infos about quadrupeds in Western Asia and other scientyfizm data. 2013; by Tomasz q. Pietrzak scientific centres works for quest the relict fauna for universal projects. it is groundwork for europea heritage of science and culture. natural resources management is working in remote regions and for inventory of populations from those ecosystems and territories. the science forum is engaged in project called applied ecology and telemetry of wildlife, people and nature conflict and many more. image yourself the better scientific research. It is the most important, uncommon forms existed recenty in remote areas between Inner & Western Asia, in the surrounding of remote mountainous lands. Incunabula. Gigantic lagomorph is not yet discovered in natural ecosystem, but some records was provided by locals. What else, the small population of ungulate was recorded deep in the wilderness of gansu-xinjing forested monta...