
Wyświetlanie postów z lipiec, 2012

WILDLIFE records in montagne Central Asia, iucn and association for nature conservation ct-eu

@WILDLIFE records in montagne Central Asia, iucn and association for nature conservation ct-eu. proposing for innovative studies of applied ecology and conservation in this remote ecosystem. almost nothing is discovered about status and ecological threats to inhabitants called wild dogs  cuon alpinus  living across central azja and interior of far ruskie. some info is about undiscovered gigantic asiatic lizard  timon sp . distributed across arid lands of the central orient.  some records of those two wildlife races are provided by renowned american wildlife biologist and russic zoologists but those wildlife races are almost collapsed across mountainous sceneries and meadows ie. tien shan, swamps of kashgaria and montagne altay. pers comm. from thomasz quatl. text view.@ Post scriptum : Russian zoologist, Ekaterina Vorobievskaya from Center for Forest Protection of Altai region has wrote to me in 20 october of 2011 such informations: "...